Monday, 7 March 2011

Test One

I need to carry out some test with the steadicam so I can get the weights on the horizontal threaded rod to keep the camera upright. According to some of the videos instructing how to make a steadicam, you need to have a 1/3 of the weight at the top ( the weight being the camera) and 2/3 of the weight spread evenly on the horizontal threaded rod at the bottom. The test below shows how I have weighted the steadicam and how it records when I am walking around a space. When I had previously recorded, walking was a problem as the camera absorbed the movement which was seen in all of the films I had made. This has now been removed due to filming with the device. There is now a swinging motion that can be seen in the test, the reason for this was weights at the bottom were not equal to 2/3 of the camera.  

Test 1 from Lauren McEwen on Vimeo.

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